Monday, April 26, 2021

Wrest Park

So today? Wrest Park. 

When I left home it was a little dull and cold. I put the heating on in the car! But when I arrived the sun came out and if you got out of the breeze it was rather pleasant.  

I found a seat in a nicely sheltered spot and ate my soup and finished my book (John Wyndham - The Midwich Cuckoos, recommended btw).

A lovely stroll.


Ragged Robin said...

Beautiful photos. It looks so lovely there. I read all the John Wyndham books years ago and loved them. Perhaps time to revisit them.

The Quacks of Life said...

I've only read Triffids, Kraken, Midwich and the Chrysalids of the novels. I have read a few of the collections and like those to. The Outward Urge comes out on kindle in August so I've pre-ordered it. His tone is different to American writers of the period.

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