Sunday, April 18, 2021

Gardens of Easton Lodge

Easton Lodge had an open day today so it was my first visit since February 2020. 

The weather was lovely and the sun had some warmth.

On arrival I bought a coffee and a bacon roll and found a seat! 

So time for a wander. There were a few butterflies about (first Orange Tip of the year) but none sitting still.

Anyway I found a quiet spot (a bit with no family trail ;) and ate my soup and read which was enjoyable. I say quiet, well it was until one family turned up. You know the type, kids have to scream and the dad speaks irritatingly loud so you can hear him from a 100 yards  away ;)

An enjoyable day. Alas I will miss the next open day.! 


Z said...

How lovely to see garden photos and a blue sky. I've rescued a few cabbage whites from the greenhouse. Years ago, i wouldn't have bothered but now I save any insect, even the pests ... within reason.

The Quacks of Life said...

Isn't it nice to see blue skies and feel the sun! I know whites aren't popular with gardeners but all insects are struggling so every little helps ;)

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