Monday, November 29, 2021


I will go somewhere different honest gov! 

Well it has turned noticeably colder but at least we didn't get the storm some poor souls got!

I don't mind the cold, I can take cold with lovely blue skies.

Now this is a first! It's the only pony with a coat. I wonder if it has a different owner?

This morning the ducks weren't happy as the ponds were heavily iced up!

This mallard was having difficulty standing.

There is still water about. 

We're in to double figures tomorrow so it will all thaw!

Thursday, November 25, 2021


Sorry for the lack of updates. I haven't done much and/or the weather has been to dull to make it worth taking the camera out!

Before I went on holiday I had a nice walk tick a Mute Swan! (72nd of the year and 77th since I started walking) in fact 2 an adult and a juvenile. Indeed as they were there for 2 days I was concerned that the pond was big enough for them to take off but they have gone! 

There seems to be only one foal left on the common although I suspect one of the others is there and is now tethered :( Actually I am pretty sure Bramble the first black foal is there and tethered. I guess I am now waiting for next year.

There are plenty of ducks on my local ponds

This is one of 2 adult Moorhens!

and one of 6 teenagers. I wonder how many there were this year?

I wandered to Netteswell pond is fairly big and I keep hoping it will show something interesting in winter alas it didn't last winter and nothing today. Just lots of Moorhens, Mallards and a family of 7 Canada Geese (I wondered if they were the family who have been on the common pond).

The odd gull out.... Herring Gull,

Black Headed Gull

I wandered to the common and the 7 geese were there

The Common Starling. But those colours aren't common! It is a pretty little bird

I wonder what winter will give? A Siskin ? Maybe if I'm lucky a Waxwing?

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Broadway and Snowshill

I went to Broadway this morning. 

So on to Snowshill, the home of Charles Paget Wade a true eccentric

The collection Wade collected was amazing... weird but amazing.

The man himself

Wade's living accommodation.... basic

Oh well home tomorrow! It wasn't a great day but it was dry. For November I've had an amazing week weather wise!

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