Friday, July 07, 2006


I will of course be observing the 2 minutes silence at lunchtime. There but for the grace of god go I......... I'm not certain if it was a member of my family I'd want people going on and on about it. I'd be nowhere near a service of remembrance I'd probably book a days leave and bird somewhere and remember them in my own way. But obviously my thoughts will be with those left behind.

Thanks to Kate for the following link well what can I say? Is there some world out there where women are still tied to the kitchen sink? where hubby comes home from work and the little woman hands him a G&T pipe and slippers?

Anyway none of the "little women" I link to discussed childcare and gynaecology. So by that quick survey Mary Dejevsky is talking rubbish (hey it's a more accurate method than her conclusions). I'm trying to work out what her agenda is. Obviously men and women are treated differently by society and frankly I think that's a good thing. Would be a boring world if we are exactly the same. Men are not women and vice versa. A million years of evolution has given each sex different skill sets.

That said opportunities are now much more equal than they have ever been. Doesn't mean everything in the garden is rosey but lets be honest the world is a lot better than Dejevsky would have us believe

I commented to Kate's post that the vast majority of blogs I read are by women. I much prefer the company of women and spend more time talking to women than I ever do men.

I'm not sure why this should be I'm sure though some of you who've met me will tell me why this is!


Anonymous said...

Well I'll excuse your opinions with your age, and be an ageist that I hate today :P

I actually think that people are led to believe we're so damn equal, when in reality we really aren't. Just because the laws might be pretty doesn't mean reality is. I really can't stand up and say that it's much more equal now because I don't think the past with things like the mans right to have sex whenever he wants to, womans obligation to take care of house and children, refusal to let them geteducation etc is anything I can measure with.
I measure in the other direction, what is absolutely equal and how far are we from it, and that is a long way to go before it is equal. And it's not just from the womens perspective, but mens as well. I am sure far more men would love to break out of stereotypes to be dads at home, for instance. Be able to have emotions without being bashed about it etc. etc.

The Quacks of Life said...

Nathalie - ageist ? Where> really?

I think the degrees of equality are much greater now than they were 20 years ago. I'm not saying that you shouldn't strive for more I'm just saying that the view Ms Dejevsky is painting is grossly inaccurate.

Anonymous said...

I had my say about two minute silences etc in a blog post a while back (around the New Year, I think) - will have to look it out.

I'm not sure what this 'women don't blog' thing is about - just a misperception of what is going on out there in cyberspace - and it's a big place :-).

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is it:
It doesn't actually say very much. Hum.

The Quacks of Life said...

I would agree with you Ally.

I hope we don't get all mawkish and American and do it every year.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Pete, we are a lot more equal than we used to be. There are still things that need to be improved - the pay gap for example - but on the whole woman now have far more equality of opportunity than they did in previous generations.

I am only (only yikes) 39, but when I left school I wanted to be a fire fighter. 20 years ago nice middle class girls from little country towns did not become fire fighters, and absolutely no one thought it was good idea for me to do so. Sadly, I allowed myself to be talked out of doing it, and I have regreted it ever since. Now, no one would bat an eyelid if a girl said she wanted to be a fire fighter, or a dog handler or a soldier or any other job that was once seen as a male only thing.

Charlie said...

I commented to Kate's post that the vast majority of blogs I read are by women. I much prefer the company of women and spend more time talking to women than I ever do men.

Of the 28 links I have on my sidebar, 21 are women. I follow another 4 that I am not linked to. The reason, I believe, is that women, on the whole, are more intelligent and interesting than men.

I am not much into the "Pip pip, good show, old man" mentality. Nor those who, either male or female, relegate women to the kitchen.

Unknown said...

Pete and Charlie, there really should be more people like you two in the world :-)

The thing that struck me about the article was how derogatory it was to both men and women - the former were portrayed as bullies, the latter as downtrodden. What kind of home life does that woman lead to have such a jaundiced view of the world.

Cherrypie said...

What total and utter claptrap! Does anyone know how to contact this Misinformed Mary?

Cherrypie said...

I meant to leave that comment on Kate's post.

What I meant to say to you, Pete, was thank you for signposting me to her and the article that silly woman wrote.

The Quacks of Life said...

emailed you her email address.

I'm still wondering what planet the woman is on.

Anonymous said...

Pete: Well it's ageist to say that your opinions are formed by your age, or so I think, and by excusing them with your age, I'm being an ageist...? :) Yes we are more equal but people use that as an excuse to slack off. More equal compared to nothingness isn't very good... Not there yet compared to how it should be, is what I measure to, otherwise we get lazy. Sadly I'm quite sure I will not see good equality in my lifetime, really.

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