I don't want to wake up to snow but blue skies would be nice!
Christmas Eve I took my folks to Tesco/M&S. The "plan" was dad would pop into Tesco and Mum and I into M&S. When we arrived at 9:15 Tesco was already open for "browsing". Anyways Mum picked some flowers out and we went looking for Dad, this should have been easy the bargains section but no Dad!! Still they had some pork steaks reduced so in the basket. We eventually found him. They were reducing there finest range and when I say reduced I mean reduced. stuff for £3.99 - 40p and stuff £4.99 - 80p to a £1 the freezer is now FULL of stuff ;) They also put some other stuff i like at half price!!! We did sneak in to M&S saw the crowds and went home!! Back by 10:40!
After lunch I popped down Rye Meads for the last trip of the year. Very quiet best bird was a Green Sandpiper.
Back to the folks for dinner and the duration.
Christmas Day I got folks a cup of tea in bed (my job) and went for a post breakfast stroll. Highlight of walk a Green Woodpecker. Dad and I had a pre dinner stroll before the Turkey - which was rather yummy.
Lazed out all afternoon reading and watching telly.
Boxing Day - again got folks tea. Sobbed at Cricket score. Went for a ride and had a morning stroll around Thaxted. I've mentioned Thaxted before in this blog. You know you are close the town is dominated by the finest Church in Essex.
It also has loads of old buildings and many of the cottages/houses are painted (and the colours can be hideous!!)
the last one shows the Guildhall.
Spent another afternoon and evening lazing about!!
Today? I was going birding but its grey and a bit of drizzle!! Got the folks there tea ;) Apparently Dad's is never as hot - don't ask me!!
I did pop into another camera shop but they didn't stock the Canon S3IS either. Anyone want to tell me what to buy the Panasonic FZ50 or the Canon S3IS.
Oh well lets enjoy my lazing about and see if you lot have blogged.
Sounds like you had a nice Christmas. Great pictures, wonderful looking church. What...you haven't bought your new camera yet!!! lol Am waiting to see which one you get.
I was going to put a post up but I thought I'd have a wander thropugh my blog roll first.
There may be a video to enjoy later
Are a lot of old buildings down your way made of flint then? Very pretty!
Ally - yes there is a lack of buildng materials so alot of East Anglian Churches are made of Flint. When brick technology came along they built a few churches in brick and added brick towers.
not heard of many people using the Canon and they haven't got it in the shops so what does that tell you
hi anony
quite a few people use the canon on birdforum. I'm umming and ahing
Toss a coin!!!!
Pleased you have a nice christmas, lovely photos btw.
Now for goodness sake get your mind made up!
ooo get me I sound almost masterful!
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