Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Walking again

If I had written this yesterday I'd have been less upbeat!

I went to look for ducklings yesterday and there were none! The 3 Moorhen chicks were up to 5.,, it looked like a second brood of 2, there were 3 cootlets on the common pond.

However this morning 2 ducklings!! Only 2 Moorhen chicks but they are easily hidden, there were 4 cootlets on the common pond.

I was looking for Reed Warblers in the Reed bed, I  heard at least 3 calling then when I thought I saw one but no it had an eye stripe!! A sedge warbler my first on my walk from home list which hit 80!

It called for awhile and it was much faster then a Reed,

When I walked past later I didn't hear it. I wonder if it will stay or was passing through!

And the foal is doing well.

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Good you saw two ducklings on your most recent walk. Great news about the Sedge Warbler and it being a new tick for your walk list :)

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