Thursday, May 30, 2024

Still here!

I've been quiet recently. Sorry.

The weather has been yuck and I haven't taken my camera out. There haven't been many butterflies either.

The highlight was a male Mandarin duck which was at New Hall pond for a day. I'd seen a female once before. 

We have two ducklings who are growing fast and about 6 moorhen chicks.

Swallow numbers are low and at home I've not seen a House Martin. 

The 2 foals are doing ok. They are close to each other 😊

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Sorry about the weather. I saw a few swallows in Herefordshire and my first swifts but no house martins :( Not read either authors you mention in comment on my blog but I will check them out - Thanks :)

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