Monday, March 29, 2021

Chippenham Park

It was my  friend Stuart's birthday yesterday. He was meant to be in Cornwall to celebrate his 40th last year and rearranged to this year and yet again... so we met up to celebrate. And it was the first time I've met anyone for ooh 3.5 months EEK

Chippenham has restricted opening times and I missed visiting last year so it was good to get there today and the weather was very kind. 

Obviously certain people were late ;) so I drank a coffee whilst waiting LOL


There was a very limited food menu and I had a diet coke and a hot dog (which was actually quite good).

A good day with good company.  

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

A beautiful set of photos and lovely to be able to meet up with a friend and celebrate a birthday. I remember last April my daughter was 30 and had to cancel her trip to Amsterdam and here we are a year later another birthday due and so many places still closed!

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