Monday, March 14, 2022

Rye Meads and an afternoon stroll.

The sun was shining and so I headed to Rye Meads to be a birder for a change! Water levels were still high but it was lovely to see the Kingfishers using the bank at the Draper hide. 

It is a bit far for anything other than record shots.

I typically see lots more Goldfinches than Greenfinches (it used to be the other way around once upon a time) so it was nice to spy this little chap who was hiding!!

The herald of Spring the Chiffchaff. One of two warbler species the other was old Billy bigmouth the Cettis Warbler! 

I do like Little Grebes.

I got to the Kingfisher hub and this beauty appeared. I understand there is a pair at the bank by the Kingfisher hub and a pair at the Draper bank.

I did see a butterfly, no idea what species and as well as the usual ducks there were some Snipe.

I wandered home for lunch and popped out for a short stroll.

The common is still too wet really but I went to say hello :)

I saw an Orange butterfly... not well enough to id it though! 

A nice day :)

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

A kingfisher sighting always good and great to see warblers are returning. Just seen total of butterflies previous post - feeling jealous! :)

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