Saturday, May 02, 2020

Walking Walking Walking

I actually haven't done as much walking as I had hoped. Some of this was the weather but Thursday I remembered to get a brolley out.

Brolley up, Headphones on listening to the excellent Folk on Foot Podcast I set out.

I had noticed some ducks sitting in front of my houses, there were some trees and I walked up a path and yep a duck pond!!

The pond on the common also had a duckling!

Other than that I didn't take many photos other than the odd wildflower

The headphones came off when I was anywhere with birds. It is lovely to hear warblers and I managed to find a singing Willow Warbler right by the M11!

This morning the sun was shining. I don't feel comfortable taking a BIG lens out but I put the small telephoto on the fuji and off I went.

I did the common walk again (the woods seem busier at the weekend and I like the peace and quiet and as next week looks decent will do them in the week).

My little Guernsey bear should have been in Guernsey today.

The bird pics could be better I've had to crop a bit due to lack of reach

Kestrel refusing to  be in a good place!

Lovely to see this chappy fly over. They are now fairly common.

I hadn't planned on posting this but Greenfinches are surprisingly uncommon hear I see way more Goldfinches.
I believe this is now a private residence. I think it's all Saints, Foster Street. It built in 1873 and licensed but not consecrated.

I heard this chap singing.... for those who don't know it sounds like "a little bit of bread and no cheese". I've had to crop it as I was a fair bit off and it flew anyway.

The water tower from Foster Street the other side of the M11

Now I've never walked beyond this point but.... hey

Now I knew WHERE I was but how to get to where I wanted to be? 3 routes and I picked my choice I thought I had really messed it up but I was right... That water tower! I've actually walked there!

Oh the ducklings?

The proud dad?

So that's my week... other than that? Music, books and podcasts. Life is not great but it could be worse and i'm doing fine thanks. I am enjoying simple pleasures. 

Keep smiling folks.

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Good to hear you are ok. Lovely photos and sightings. It looks as though you have some good places to walk!

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