Monday, May 04, 2020

strolling along

Curiously I am coping fairly well with the current arrangements. I miss going to certain places but I am enjoying wandering along either listening to podcasts/music or birdsong (I tend to take the headphones off when I am off the estate).

It was dull yesterday

I walked to the water tower and explored one of the paths from there which took me down to the woods..... it's one I'll do again.  Warblers sang continually and I was pleased that there were still 3 Reed Warblers singing

This morning it was brilliant sunshine and as I am on leave off I trotted....

I went first to the small pond I discovered the other day and this made me smile

It wasn't there yesterday alas I couldn't see the duckling.

We have House Sparrows and this chap one was doing a flycatcher impersonation :)

I have been looking up (in vain) for Swallows and Martins but I did see Swifts! 4 of them.

I had seen ducklings on the common pond but didn't Saturday as some dog owner was throwing sticks in for his dog. I was really chuffed to find this today

The pond is fairly big and I assume they decamped to the less open part.

A kestrel hovered.

I headed off to Foster Street (as I did Saturday) lots of Warblers.... and I really needed the 100-400

I turned back the way I had come as Saturday's walk was a bit muddy. I may do a longer version of Saturday's walk.

I wandered to the pond to see if the duckling was there? It was ! No photo.... have a female mallard!

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Lovely to see the flowers on the traffic roundabout and the little pond house is rather cute! You are certainly seeing some great birds Pete on your daily walk. A great set of photos :)

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