Saturday, May 16, 2020

Change of route

Apparently we are now allowed to travel for our exercise but I decided to stay home and walk. That will probably remain the situation for a few weeks I imagine.

So off I trotted to the pond on the common. First minor panic when I couldn't find any  ducklings or moorhens but a quick walk. There are two broods I think that tend to stay together.

I was about to head off and amongst the vegetation were another brood much younger but too far to photograph.

Now I normally get to the M11 cross and head North but today I went South. I found a footpath

As I approached the M11 exit at junction 7 the path veered right and there was an underpass. I never knew it was there.

I came into some woods that I have seen MANY times (like virtually every day). The path took me close to one of the service stations on the A414. On I wandered back towards the common.

I had always think of this as Potter Street church but it is actually St Mary Madgalene, Harlow Common. I have been in it a cousin got married there MANY MANY years ago,

Back to the pond and AH!

Having a stretch.

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Good to see you are finding new local walks. The ducklings are so cute. Your local church is picturesque :)

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