Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Gardens of Easton Lodge

It was an open day at Easton Lodge so I headed over to visit. 

I grabbed a coffee and a bacon roll and went to enjoy the gardens.

There were lots of whites about! 

It was the apple day and lots of apple products were on sale.

ooh hello a Painted Lady..... 

Now at this point I wandered into the Daisy Warwick garden and I was puzzled it was totally empty! Was everyone waiting for the Rock Choir to perform?

As I wandered back to the exit I passed a garden sign saying that that part of the garden was closed!? I asked some of the volunteers and yes it was closed. I commented that I had walked in at the other end and hadn't seen a sign!! I wasn't told on entry it was closed (to be fair to the guy on the desk the woman in front of me was a bit frustrating and building up a queue!). I apologised but they said it was fine and one went to check if there was a sign at that end.

Sorry guys but I did enjoy the peace and quiet! 

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Gardens are lovely and Painted Lady photos are super :) Glad you got some peace and quiet in the closed garden :) Easy to make such a mistake if there is no sign!!

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