Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sutton Hoo and Orford

I first went to Sutton Hoo. Sutton Hoo is the site of two Anglo Saxon cemeteries dating to the 6th and 7th centuries. It was dug by the self taught Basil Brown under the auspices of landowner Edith Pretty.

Many of the mounds were robbed by the Ship Burial in Mound 1 is one of the finest archaeological finds in England. We don't know who the body in the ship burial was although Raedwald King of the East Anglians is the favourite contender. 

There is a small museum on site with a replica of the Sutton Hoo Helmet (which is in the British Museum and amazing it is!). 

The viewing tower was constructed in 2021, 

You get some nice views of the site.

A very good scone! 

So on to Orford.

Orford Castle was constructed by Henry II to act as a counterpoint to the Bigod at Framlingham. It is fairly complete.

Some nice views from the tower.

St Bartholomew's work commenced in the 12th century,

The font is 15th century and features the wild man of Orford

The chancel was abandoned in the 18th Century.

I wandered down to the quay.

Nice view to sit and drink a coffee

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