Saturday, September 28, 2024

A quick update

Sorry for the lacks of posts. A few things going on at the moment and I haven't been anywhere! 

So the Little Grebes. Alas I've only seen one adult and 2 chicks. There may be 2 and 4 but I can't confirm. I'll keep looking.

The exciting bird news is on Thursday I saw a pair of Gadwall. In 4 years I had only seen Mallards and 2 Mandarin ducks. I didn't see them Friday but the male was on the New Hall pond this morning.

We've had a lot of rain over the past few days some of it torrential so it was good to see some sun this morning and to get a pic of this beauty with the phone 

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Hope you manage to see the other two Little Grebe chicks Pete and they are ok and great news on the Gadwall. Lovely photo of the Red Admiral :)

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