Monday, September 16, 2024

Helmingham Hall and Framlingham

Well I am back in East Suffolk. I don't often come this way.

I stopped at Helmingham Hall. The present hall was begun at around 1510 and it has been altered over the years and is surrounded by a moat. It is very picturesque. The Hall is closed but the lovely garden is open.

There is a deer park and these were close to the garden entrance. The gardener throwing windfalls may have attracted them! 

I have gone all summer without seeing a Painted Lady and now they are following me about! 

So on to Framlingham and St Michael and All Angels which is famed for it collection of Howard Funeral Monuments

This is the tomb of Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk and his first wife Anne Plantagenet daughter of Edward IV

This is the tomb of Henry Fitzroy illegitimate son of Henry VIII who married Thomas' daughter Mary

This is the tomb Mary Fitzalan and Margaret Audley wives of the 4th Duke who died within 6 years of each other!

The tomb of Henry Howard and Frances (nee de Vere) Earl and Countess of Surrey.

Framlingham Castle is next to the church  family iwas begun by the Bigod family in the 12 century and became into the estates of the powerful Mowbray and Howard families. It fell into disrepair at the end of the 16th century. 

In the 17th century internal castle buildings were taken down to make way for a poor house.

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