Monday, June 24, 2024

St Mawes, the Hidden Hut anx Trewithen Gardens

Whilst most of England has a heatwave there is no change in Cornwall lol

I started the day at St Mawes

I would normally grab a crab roll and head back to the castle to have a coffee from the van. The seafood Hut was closed and the guy who runs tne coffee hut was tragically  killed ..

So I went to the Hidden Hut 

I then headed to Trewithen Garden

I finished the day at Camel Vineyard. I may have made a purchase 😉

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Beautiful photos and it looks blissfully cooler in Cornwall. So hot and humid here :( I'd have made a few purchases from Camel Vineyard too :)

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