Saturday, January 20, 2024

Churchgate Street

With all the frosts I realised that the paths to Churchgate Street might be passable.

Harlow is known as a new town from the New Town act of 1947 but it dates much earlier. As I've documented earlier the Romans were here and the name Harlow has Anglo-Saxon origins. 

Churchgate street is part of, what is now known as, Old Harlow one the villages incorporated into the New Town. Today a road runs between Old Harlow and  Churchgate street and they feel discrete.

This building dates to 1630.

The church of St Mary and St Hugh although it seems to be known as St Mary.

I got a shock when it was open! Apparently the men meet for breakfast on certain Saturdays so I went in for a look, The church is Norman but was heavily renovated by Victorian architect Henry Woodyer. In fairness the church had been damaged by fire in 1708 so I'm unsure how much of the lost medieval is down to him. The majority of the glass is Victorian and by Hardman.

The monument is by W Theed but Pevsner says no more.

I always fund these WWI memorials moving.

Another charitable building for the poor this from 1716.

A nice walk and good to get into the church.

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

It looks as though there are some interesting buildings around there. Glad you managed to get into the church.

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