Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Coughton Court

I haven't been to Coughton Court in a while so today was a chance to return. Alas the weather was not kind! 

Coughton was owned by the Throckmorton family were Roman Catholics who refused to attend Anglican services at the time of the reformation. The Hall was involved in the Throckmorton Plot to assassinate Elizabeth I in 1583 and the gun powder plot of 1605 (some of the plotters rode to the hall on discovery).

Due to this recusancy the family had little funds to improve the house and it remained largely unchanged until the Roman Catholic Relief Act of 1829. Which explains why they were able to build the Roman Catholic Church, it was built in 1857

The formal garden is very pretty, obviously it is now out of season and the weather don't help! The house is owned by the National Trust but the family have a 300 year lease. The family managed the property  for a time. On my first in 1989 (Mum had JUST turned 60 and  I asked for a concessionary rate which is how I remember) you could gain entry using both an NT or HHA (and yes the NT don't do a concessionary rate) card. On a later visit the garden was a separate fee and was HHA only. This has all changed as I believe the NT manage the site and the garden is included.

I also like the lakeside walk and on a nicer day (like yesterday) I would have sat and read, Hey and ho.

You will notice the scaffolding. They are repairing the  roof and some rooms were closed and others were presented differently

I left the camera behind and wandered with my phone

Priest hole

Pictures being stored.

A wander around the medieval church which has some Throckmorton mnuments.

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

I haven't been to Coughton Court for some years either but I do remember there is much of interest there. The rose garden is particularly lovely in June. i do remember on at least one if not two occasions the service in the cafe was poor and the cakes were dry1 Sorry about the weather :(

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