Friday, December 04, 2020

Two walk from home ticks one of them a year tick

It was wet this morning and so what to do? I had a prescription to pick up so I went for that first. I went the long way along the bridal path that cuts across the estate and instead of turning left went right towards the common. Why? I just wanted to boost my step count! The path was wet and a little bird was flitting about the puddles. A wagtail bird with a bright yellow tail ! Grey Wagtail. 

Anyhow after waving to the ponies I turned back, got my prescription and dropped it home. I didn't fancy walking the country lanes so I walked back to the common, then to the water tower and then the full length of the bridal path.

Now near to home is a small pond. I saw my first ducklings there but they never made it. I don't often go there (it's right by some houses and taking photos feels a bit odd) but today I wandered over. There were lots of mallards (about 30) and i paid more attention as there was an odd looking duck but it was a mallard hybrid. Then I spotted a smaller duck swim and.....

A female Mandarin duck. Never expected to add that to my walk from home list

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Well done :) It is always great when something unexpected visits and you get a new species for a certain list :)

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