Young Nene Goose?

Nene Goose (collection bird)


Eider (collection bird)

Garganey (collection bird) - a lovely duck, you can see them in the wild.

Mr & Mrs G

Young Coot

they make great parents. This one was giving a mallard what for.

Great Tit


Blue Tit

Juvenile Mugger


Young Blackbird sunning himself


Common Terns

Mute Swan

Canada Goose chicks

So where now? I went to Petworth.

Canada Geese chicks

Greylag chicks

I saw a gleam of mischief in the juvenile delinquent's eye. He will grow up to be a terror.
Do you ever print any of your photos?
Another good day by the looks of it. It seems as though I was in the wrong county - no sun here today!
Goodly selection of subjects; great flight shots - particularly the terns!!
Really like the angle of the very last Greylag chic picture.
Hi Janine - not often. amusingly I don't own a printer
Great selection of pictures Pete.
Never seen a Gargany before, one for my list.
The little 'mugger' looks full of mishief, and the island shot at Petworth looks stunning.
Cracking shots of the young mugger!
Another great set of photo's Pete.
The little 'Mugger' superb.
But too me the outstanding ones, are the Gull in flight, followed by the Terns, also to get the detail as you have of these inflight, well it's a credit to you.
ps. I think you Gull, is a 2nd winter Herring Gull.
What amazing photos, all beautiful and like everyone else I loved the 'mugger'.
Wonderful photos Pete. I particularly like the young coot and little mugger...adorable. The flight pictures are fabulous. And the flowers...well, what can I say. I'm green with envy.
Love the goslings and their grumpy faces.
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