So I headed West (who nicked the sun) and stopped at a few churches.
752 St Mary, New Shoreham was open but a fence stopped you walking very far.
you can see the church was once much bigger.
753 St Andew and St Cutman, Steyning
Its very old.
Norman dog tooth
I THINK this maybe Saxon
754 Coombes, part of this is Saxon
So enough churches! Lets have some wildlife. I popped in to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Arundel.
Ruddy Shelduck (collection)
Smew (collection)
Moorhen/coot - not sure
And what do you think this is?
White Headed Duck
Fudge Duck
young Coot
Wood Duck (collection)
Collection bird
Collared Dove
Young Mugger I mean Robin
Cuteness alert!!
Given the earlier challenge what is this?
common Tern
Baby Shelduck ARGH!!
Baby Pochards!!
Common Scoter
Harlequin Duck
Pair of Mum's having a ruck
And on to Chicester Cathedral
I got to see the Peregrine's, those pigeons are either brave or daft!!
Once again, superb photo's Pete.
Your Duck? Could it be a hybrid Redhead, not really a duck person.
i think both ducks are pure....
check the beak colour.....
not a duck person? pah they are much nicer than gulls
No idea what your mystery bird is (except it's shape suggests Mallard!!) but am keen to find out! :D
Sounds another good day; Steyning is a very pretty village and the church lovely! But Chichester Cathedral is beautiful. Great getting to see the Peregrines!
Lots of great pictures once again. I like the one of the fudge duck. An apt name by the look of him. And, of course you can't beat the babies. So cute. Lovely old churches with some nice statues and tombs.....big grin!
Great set of pictures, and what a selection of ducks.
Mystery duck certainly looks a lot like a drake Pochard to me.
you what Trish?
HM - look at the beaks...... there is a difference
Looking at the beaks, there is a difference, and also in the head colour; the first is a bit darker.
I'm sticking with Pochard somewhere in its parentage. No idea what with though.
I hope you're going to let us know eventually lol
I think the first one is a canvasback.
second is a pochard
Well - I eventually sussed out the beaks were different and that one was a Pochard; but I would never have known the Canvasback! So I've learnt something else today :)
Thanks Pete.
Never seen a Canvasback before.
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