Hello what's this? Apparently they were making a film with Keira Knightley
Recognise anyone?
So where now? I went to Pashley Manor Gardens, I got lucky as there is a sculpture
exhibition on.
And some wildlife..
Broad Bodied Chaser
Spotted Flycatcher - nice find.
Tomorrow I move hotels not sure what my internet access will be. You may have to wait for more photos.
Song Thrush
and a Mallard
Great set of pictures Pete.
Pashley Manor Gardens looks a very nice place to visit. The grounds look well kept, and some interesting sculptures.
Certainly was a nice find with the Spotted Flycatcher. A bird I've never seen.
Another seaside to visit.
Pashley Manor Gardens is one that I've never visited. I shall definitely put it on my "list" - it looks beautiful.
Nice Dragon pics - hope you get some sun today - not much of it about!
Very nice sculptures and the flowers, so lovely. Like the pictures of the chaser as well. Ah heck, all the pictures are just great.
You've picked a good week for the weather again, hope it holds out. Nice pics.
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