Dave and had enough so after breakfast we headed to Rye Meads and for me a patch tick 6 Eygptian Geese!!
Mr and Mrs Tufty

Lots of warblers singing including this Garden Warbler.

We had a fly through Cuckoo and my first Hobby of the year. We then went for lunch and decided to head back for another crack at the Savi's - no! There were lots of young around, obviously young mallards but this young Coot.
And some young Canada's and these young Greylag.
Pleasant day.
Sounds better than just a pleasant day, Pete!
Love the little Greylags.
The Warblers too, look great. Such a "fresh summer sight" to see them. Still have to see my first Warbler this spring.
Good shots of the Garden Warbler Pete.
I think I'm with you on the 'twitching' front. Just can't quite get my head around all that dashing here and there for a tick. lol
Nice one of the Garden Warbler - not seen one yet. Haven't seen a Savi's either - Sorry you dipped.
Great shots once again Pete. Love those fluffy little babies.
I like the picture of the Canadian Geese, with the babes in the middle.
i do love this time of the year with all the youngsters
hi carol, thanks for stopping by
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