A stroll around the garden also through up the first butterfly of the day.

And so to Wimpole Hall. It was packed, we decided to beat the rush and have an early lunch. The weather was stunning, will someone confirm that this is a bank holiday in England?

The Wimpole cat.

Other butterflies seen were a white, Brimstone and an Orange Tip. Lots of Chiffchaff singing.
As the resaurant was full we passed on a cup of tea and indulged in an Ice Cream. Lovely day and lovely company. Even if she did drag me to the dSLR shop opposite her house :(
Who is that good looking girl stroking the cat? Didnt see her...
Nice shots btw, impressed with that macro, now all you need to do is practise...
Oh jessops is open tomorrow ;)
Yeah right, she dragged you. Lovely macro pics the flies are very very good.
she did she did
funny I always thought she was blonde
no she just acts blonde on many occasions, although I did hear her say she is thinking about being a blonde again..
act blonde? only when giving directions!!
Hi Leaz,
its a male Great Spotted Woodpecker. We only get three type in the UK.
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