Monday, August 19, 2024

The suffolk coast

I am home tomorrow but back for a longer visit soon.

I wandered to the village of Dunwich first.

Dunwich was a thriving town of 3000 people at the time of the Domesday book with 3 churches.  In the thirteenth century a  combination of storm surges and coastal erosion means washed most buildings away and today it is a small village. About 8 churches have disappeared. 

It needs to be noted that storms alone didn't destroy the town. According to wikipedia ;) it developed as a sheltered harbour where the River Dunwich entered the North Sea. Coastal processes including storms caused the river to shift its mouth 2.5 miles (4 km) north to Walberswick, on the River Blyth. The town of Dunwich lost its raison d'etre and was largely abandoned. Sea defences were not maintained and coastal erosion progressively invaded the town.

Still there is a sizeable medieval town under the sea.

The ruins of the friary.

The leper chapel. its a pity this fascinating building didn't survive to become the parish church.

The current church is Victorian. It is ironic that for a period Dunwich had no church!

I wandered to Dunwich Heath. And yes I saw a Dartford Warbler! Lucky the thing called!

The obligatory scone!!

I wandered to Minsmere... it was quiet and I didn't have a camera. Nice to hear Bearded Tits pinging! I guess I'll have to bring a telephoto in September.

Then to Leiston Abbey

The "new" buildings are due to farming and a Christian retreat. 

I popped into Shawsgate Vineyard and walked amongst the vines. Bottles may have been bought :)


Ragged Robin said...

It sounds as though you had a lovely short break :) A really interesting post Pete - I don't know the area at all. Well done on Dartford Warbler. We once went to Arne in the hope of seeing one - we didn't! Sorry for late comment (spent 48 hours in hospital for iv antibiotics for cellulitis :( A situation I never want to repeat! NO privacy it was awful. Plus a woman on the 2nd ward I was on on Tuesday was diagnosed with Covid! Shudders and I was sat at end of her bed waiting for a spare bed! She later discharged herself!!!) It was a pretty horrible experience believe me.

The Quacks of Life said...

hospitals are horrible. i spent enough time in them with Dad. I feel for the staff! I will be back in the area in 4 weeks :)

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