Wednesday, August 07, 2024

North Leigh Roman Villa and Kiftsgate

So I went to  North Leigh Roman Villa. The mosaic house was meant to be open (according to the website) but it was closed for repair GROWL.

I would love to see it at its peak.

Kiftsgate and Hidcote are neighbours but I decided as it was lunchtime Kiftsgate would be quieter. Wonder if anyone can tell the phone from the camera,

I popped into Chipping Campden 

An old Alvis

I wandered to Long Compton Church again I saw a Little Owl in the churchyard.


Ragged Robin said...

So sorry the mosaic house wasn't open. I can't tell the difference between camera and phone photos! Kiftsgate looks lovely - I still haven't been! I remember that Dragon House sign from when we visited Chipping Campden! Well done on the Little Owl :)

The Quacks of Life said...

what is more annoying is they are advertising it as open still and I'm pretty sure it isn't!

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