Monday, August 05, 2024

The latest catch up

So a few pics. I've not taken the big camera out. It has been warmer and I've been carrying water!

I'm assuming this is a racing pigeon given the rings. It wasn't that flighty.

A few more butterflies about. Not as many as there should be,

The fields are now cut by the way,

I have seen lots of Jersey Tiger moths. 1 or 2 per day.

Still lots of foals.

I first saw this lot over a week ago. The pond is small and I thought no hope they'd survive but they are still there. I think there were 12 this morning. The pics was a few days ago.

You suddenly find an apple tree.

The ducks close to home are growing. I have high hopes all 3 will make it. Mum is superb.

As I lay in bed this morning I heard geese flying past. These were by the common pond. I think an adult with first years given size differences.

The ducklings this afternoon!

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

It is a lovely walk Pete and good to see the ducklings doing so well. Not jealous at all of the Jersey Tiger sightings :)

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