Friday, July 12, 2024

Northampton Churches and Althorp

When I tagged these few days on it was to nab a few churches specifically the 2 in Northampton. I was aware one was open and I had arranged access to the other.

903 All Saints, Northampton 

A rebuild after a fire anyone who has visited these in the city of London will recognise the style. It seems to be thriving as it is open daily and there is a cafe, nice to see it be used as part of the community.

904 St Peter's, Northampton 

This is sadly redundant and in the care of the excellent Churches Conservation Trust.

It is sadly locked but I arranged access. There was a slight confusion but a quick phone call got me in. Well worth a visit.

The church is Norman and has some amazing carvings

A bit of street art.

Now my plan was to drive to Leicester but I decided I needed some rural solitude. Now the historic houses of Northamptonshire don't have the most welcoming of open hours but Althorp was open.

On arrival I had a minor panic was it free as part of the HHA yes but I had to book a code on line and I could find no reference to a cafe!

Althorp wasn't quite what I expected. It was £27 house and gardens and £20 for gardens only which isn't at Chatsworth level but slightly dearer than Holkham yet you park in an unmanned field.

Anyway the young lady on the window (this is nothing like Chatsworth abd Holkham commercially) happily took my card and wrote down the number,  oh and pointed me at the cafe.

I once had a mini heart attack at Chatsworth when I saw a cheese roll/bap for £6 at Althorp I got a sausage bap, bag of crisps and a flat white for £6.85!! Nice it was too. 

Althorp was the family home of the late Diana, Princess of Wales.

Alas no photos in the house. I ought to say if you are visiting  then paying the £7 is excellent value for a fine art collection, it would be nice to get a little closer to some of them in some rooms but still excellent.

The Gardens are a little disappointing. The draw is the temple in memorial for the Princess and the island in the lake where she is buried. I kind of expected more. There are lots of seats around the lake for viewing the island and a young lady standing by the temple. 

For me the highlight was the 3 families of Tufted Duck (no males lol) and the Little Grebe. 

I liked Althorp but it isn't somewhere I'm likely to rush back to. I'd go back but it isn't a priority. I will say I like how un commercial it is nice and relaxed.

The current Earl, Charles Spencer, is Diana's brother and a noted historian. You can buy his books in the gift shops. They are signed. He comes across well on the podcasts I've heard him on.

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

Love those carvings in the CCT church St Peter's! Althorp looks interesting but pricey!! There again Blenheim Palace Was extortionate when we went a few years ago!

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