Sunday, September 17, 2023

Upton House

So I wandered to Upton House, I've visited plenty of times but it is a nice place to sit and read a book and the mirror pond is always good for wildlife.

The house is noted for the fabulous art collection (which is very well displayed) . Alas the upstairs is still not open. Lady Bearsted's en-suite is fabulous! 

As you can see it was grey! 

The scones are always pretty good here

I saw Little Grebes with young on my last visit. Lovely to see them still here :)

I wandered back up top for a coffee. The weather looked like it was closing in so got a takeaway and wandered to the orchard where there were undercover seats and I could read whilst the rain fell! Still a nice day. 

And I'll be back I expect in October.


Ragged Robin said...

I love Upton House - the interior of the house is great and so are the gardens. We once had our best NT cake there - a Strawberry and cream sponge. I must go back next year haven't been since well before Covid struck. Its at least an hour from here.

The Quacks of Life said...

its a really nice place to visit... I don't think the garden has returned to pre covid levels though :(

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