It is FILM (I must be bonkers!!), has a very crude focus and a prime 40mm f2.8 lens. No I have no reason for buying it. Curiously the above picture was taken by a D300 with an 18-200 lens - which is totally the other extreme eh. I am actually in what camera to take to Florence mode. At the moment it is Nikon D300 with 18-200, Panasonic GX1 with pancake lenses and the Trip! But the Panny may still get replaced with the Nikon V1. Three weeks to go.
Didn't that camera get rave reviews when it came out?? Must admit I didn't realise you could still get films developed! I traded in my old Retinette (1A I think!) when I bought my Pentax ME Super donkeys years ago and always regretted it afterwards.
Fujifilm certainly still process film.
This is the famed camera from the David Bailey adverts!
So you finally got one...and I shall look forward to the results... :D It's certainly going to be different to use and they're such lovely looking cameras :)
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