so where to today?
Well let's have a look around Abbotsbury Sub Tropical Garden.
baby Robin AH!!
Adult Robin posing as usual
So where now? I know, a mile down the road to Abbotsbury Swannery.
Greeted by Mr House Sparrow
All say ah! Baby Swans
Coot with its bum in the air!
Moorhen chick
Mallards lazing about.
More cygnets and swans
Male and female chaffinch joined me for dinner!
So I headed to Portland I had a reason!
This Greater Black Backed Gull had a meal.
And so to 676 St George, Reforne, Portland
it is modelled on west towers at St Paul's cathedral.
The pews are numbered and people could buy them! Alas today the church is redundant and in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust (it does still hold services).
off to Cornwall. May not get wifi until next Friday but you never know!
You've outdone yourself once again. That Abbotsbury place must have been a joy to walk through..fantastic! I do like the gravestones and that Angel is spectacular. Of course the bird pictures are always great.
Wonderful places again. The sub-tropical gardens look very lush and beautiful and the swans and cygnets - aww!
The birdy pics are great as usual and the Robins (adult and babe) have such good detail; but the Chaffinch I like in particular - especially when he's singing!
I don't think I've seen such a "white" church before. It's so sad when such beautiful churches are no longer active.
What absolutely beautiful photos! I love the baby birds best.
I found you on somebody's blog. You made a comment about the petrol being $10.00 a gallon??? Yikes!!
I can never resist cute cygnets. Love all the other photos too. Hope you're having a great break.
Aaaw, love the baby bird photos :-)
That church is really pretty, the churchyard looks beautifully remote. The blue ceiling thingy reminds me of a chapel in Whitby.
I am repeating myself, but fantastic pictures Pete! The 'sea pictures' have such a brilliant colour.
The moorhen chick is so ugly, I guess only its mother will love it. LOL LOL
Were are WE going next?
wonderful pics! nice views too!
i love the picture of those swan embracing their neck together....
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