When I went for breakfast the place was dark. It seems the chap who was meant to open up never showed. Don't think the owner was impressed!!
So where? I ummed and ahed and ended up at about 11am at Nymans, the roads had been awful and a funny thing happened the sun came out!! I left the dSLR in the car and took the little Canon. And of course there was no rain!!
Nymans is a regency house that got pulled down, replaced with mock Gothic and then got very badly damaged by fire. Today its only partly habitable with a few rooms on show. But few people go for the house, they go for the garden.

I popped into one of my favourite Nature Reserves Warnham Mill Pond.

It is just a small local reserve (with 2 hides) but I always find the place relaxing. It is run by Horsham District Council and entry costs 50p. Don't expect Minsmere but if you are in the area its a nice way to spend a few hours.
Highlights being Common Tern with young (I was first there in 2005 when they bred for the first time), Common Sandpiper, Grey Wagtail, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Crested Grebe and Kingfisher.
A Lesser Blackback Gull flew over and the Terns chased him off.
I got few photos worth showing as the feeders were in dark shadow. I was sat next to a lady using a Nikon 80-400VR £989 and a Nikon 200-400VR £3830. Gasp.

Tomorrow I will be reading some book.
Beautiful gardens, glad the sun came out for you, wish I could say the same happened here. It did actually stop raining for about 2 hours, but other than that it's been more or less torrential for 28 hours now. :( And it's bloody freezing, 13c, what a joke!
Yes looks like you were lucky we had a couple of hours mid morning with out rain and then this evening it has stopped.Lovely bird shots.
WOW! The gardens are beautiful. Wouldn't mind wandering around there.
Glad to see you got out and had some good weather Pete - it has rained here steady all week and no photos for me. I guess you will be in Potter land reading your book for a few days now.
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