As we were getting stuff out of the boot Trish turned to me and said "do you know your trousers have a tear in them?" RATS I had put the wrong trousers on.
There were 3 Adult birds and definitely 2 youngsters which was good to see and all 3 young Grebes are doing well so I was rather pleased.

The terns were flying about. I'm quite pleased with these.

I was all for going on but Trish insisted on breakfast (tongue SLIGHTY in cheek).
Trish - Do you want lettuce and stuff with your sarnies?
Pete - Trish!!! I mean why spoil a could rasher of Bacon and a Sausage??
Some visitors whilst eating.
Either this chap has a mite or he has been breeding

Black Tailed Skimmer

So I asked Trish did she want wildlife or something Historic. She chose the later so we went to Ickworth. Given I've shown you it a few times I played with some B&W.

So into the restaurant for lunch. I like Ickworth but I find the restaurant disappointing. Its a bit pretentious with waitress service (and the prices are higher as a result), they really need a "proper" National Trust cafe to supplement it. The cakes looked nice but I talked Trish out of them (HONESTLY!!) but I did suggest the Ice Cream (which was rather nice).

Well done on the tern pics and the b and w works really well.
Is that a yucca I see in flower?
i'm told it is
You have wonderful shots here Pete. Sounds like you both had a great day.
Was a great day out and it didn't rain and there was no fog!!! Wow!!
Thanks for showing me Ickworth :) Enjoyed the day as usual...
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