Lots of Swallows, Martins and Swifts about.

A Common Blue Damselfly I think


Reed Bunting

I failed to get a picture of the Hairy Hawkers but there were plenty of Four Spot Chasers.

quite pleased with this one.

I thought the lake at Wimpole Hall would be worth a look so...

Lots of Greylag chicks.

There were a couple of Emperors about but they weren't playing ball!
So a Four Spot Chaser

Azure Damselfly I think

Red Eyed Damselfly

Another Azure I think. Check out the two picturess I've called Azure and compare to the Common, I think the tail pattern at the end is different.

Large Red Damselfly

Common Tern

Like the "double" dragonfly shot.
The last black and white picture works really well too!
Great selection there Pete.
Damsel ID I'm hopeless at, even with a book lol I'll leave that one to an expert, but I'm certain you're correct with the Common Blue.
Never been to Wicken Fen; on my list of places to go. Looks to be a good visit.
That's quite a gaggle of Greylag there, and good captures with the Terns. Spot on with the exposure.
Great photos Pete, I enjoyed them all. Lovely to see the Muntjac and the Reed Bunting.
A glass of the chilled white Jan was holding in the last post would go down very nicely thank you ;)
Nice shots Pete.
A quick visit for now.
There is an AWARD on my blog for you.
Just pop in and pick it up.
Loving those shots of the Terns, great stuff.
Lovely shot of the reed bunting. Dragonflies in flight very impressive as well.
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