Anyway I do hope you don't mind one or two photos, cough.
I had arranged to visit one of the few four star churches in "that book" I have yet to visit. I had arranged for the vicar to arrive at 9:30, I was early and he graciously let me take my photos whilst he said morning prayers (mattins?). Is that the first service I've ever attended in 740 churches?
740 St Mary, Stone
I arrived at my next target and found a locked door. Rats, as I looked at the noticeboard for a keyholder a woman removing her car from the garage said she had a key. Would I be long as she was going shopping? 15 minutes I replied. She was unwilling to leave me the key and put it through her letter box but at least she was kind enough to stop!
741 St Mary, Newington
I went down the A2 to
742 St Mary, Faversham
So where to now? I know we'll head over to Leeds Castle! You will see it again later in the year, there are a couple of nearby churches to tick (one will be open in May) and my ticket works for return visits.
Oddly one of the many Barnacle Geese was flying! So are they part of the feral population?
Especially for yoke
These two had a right old set to!!
As I trudged my way back to the car, the sun burst through in all its glory.
Some great pics there Pete. That white peacock is almost "ghostly" and I like the "birds" stone sculpture at Leeds castle - wonderful stuff! A busy day by the sounds of it.
and at least you had SOME sun!
A very busy day for you Pete, loving the photos :)
Rain mixed with sun here, although mostly grey... Oh well, I did at one point consider getting the macro out but the light wasn't quite bright enough.
There's just too much to comment on. All wonderful stuff. I do like the naked lady in the garden and there's something in the St. Mary church that you can throw in the package. You should know what by now, lol. What a wonderful day you've had.
Fine churches today Pete, especially the last one.
Spoilt for choice with your photo's Pete. The church pics are great, good shots with the birds too. And a nice mix of moulting amonst the B/H Gulls.
thanks all
tut tut Paul, pay closer attention
Ooops, yes i should pay attention,sorry Pete i missed that last pic,adult winter Common-Gull, another nice photo.
paul. (Embarrassed)
And again a double Oooops pete, i know i missed some more a few pics back! 1st winter & late 1st winter Common-Gulls. Anote to myself!! look before i leap. LOL
Wow---just wow. That white peacock is just amazing! At first I actually thought it was a dandilion gone to seed! LOL
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