I wandered down to Amwell Gravel Pits for the first time for a while. No sign of any Smew but there was a nice male Goldeneye to join the regulars. There was also a big flock of Siskin around (I never spotted a Redpoll). A Buzzard flew overhead.
From the viewing there were two Water Rails showing and one was taking a bath!! and a Chaffinch chased a Blackbird, well odd!!
Anyway a few pictures. The light by the feeding station was AWFUL.
Blue Tit

Male Chaffinch


Great Tit

Blue Tit

Great Tit

Male Great Spotted Woodpecker

Long Tailed Tit

Male Chaffinch

Lovely photos Pete, looks like you had a nice morning in all.
Certainly the light was not good for pictures today, but I like your woodie and LTT.
Pete, the light might have been dull and low, but you sure showcased those birds beautifully! Bravo!
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