At the cafe I had intended to have a cup of tea (it was 11:30) but Trish was keen on brunch so I joined her.
Birds seen? well it was a bit quiet but highlights included Little and Great Crested Grebe, Green Woodpecker, Siskin, Snipe, Stonechat and Goldcrest. The Bittern didn't show to us and we never saw the Jack Snipe hey ho.
The light wasn't ideal but here is a mix of wild and collection birds.
Ring Necked Parakeet.

Grey Squirrel

Pair of Tufties

Little Grebe

Long Tailed Duck (collection)

American Wigeon (collection)

Pair of Eiders (collection)

Marbled Teal (collection)

White Headed Duck (collection)


Goldeneye (collection)

Female Smew or red head if you prefer (collection)

drakes not being obliging (collection)

female Smew again (collection)

Australasian Shoveler (collection)

Funny how our memories of who decided on "brunch" first differ....:D
S'funny I was wondering who was first to the feeding bowl?
I went on a dip today to Rainham to see non existent - no not Bitterns- but Swingers as Dave calls em...Penduline Tits.
Did you not see the Gulls? - Caspian and Yellow-legs were reported on RBA and birdguides - oh and Water Pipits?
I will be there on Monday or Tuesday - think Tuesday - to see if we can hunt down the Kingfishers - for a friend who thinks they are a figment of her imagination. Hopefully we will be fully prepared with cameras.
saw plenty of gulls. oh come on i don't tend to study gulls espesh 1st year caspians. more interested in photos.
didn't see the pipits but they were there last time.
Lovely photos Pete, and loving the conflicting stories between you and Tricia! ;)
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