When I was in Norfolk my initial thought had been that the seaside picutres would look interesting in B&W and sepia and then I thought that historic houses would look good as well.
I'm pleased that folks seemed to like the ones I prefered as well.
When I was wandering around Fakenham market there was a stall selling old photos and there were some churches in amongst them ssssoooo....
oh and
I may have a play again when I'm in Cornwall.
We had a briefing session yesterday and there was a photographer there shooting for our magazine (I guess) and we got chatting and he urged me to get a d300. Well I'm still resisting, tempted to get a prime lens though. This though would be the well reviewed Nikon 50mm f1.8 which retails for a stonkingly expensive £79 :D
The first one looks very impressive and at the same time mysterious, - I almost expect Brother Caedfael coming round the corner every minute.
I love the second one, perfect sujet!
Oops, forgot to write my name.
Aw, old church photos now! You're definitely hooked. I used to collect old postcards but there are no churches... just a French cathedral (I think) which had a lot of sandbags packed up against the door to protect its decorated stonework from war damage.
As for quantity over quality, that's me too. I opened a book about landscape photography and it said at one point "don't photograph the whole scene even if it looks beautiful, as that always leads to disappointment. Choose main elements of it and zoom in."
He was talking about film cameras, I think, but these days of digital cameras, it doesn't hurt to photograph everything possible from every angle. One of them will come out...
diddums - never bought post cards but I was inspired. I need to crop more I think. I'm hoping a more limited zoom range may make me think more
not liking the first one at all, way too saturated, doesn't look at all natural. the sepia ones in the previous post are much better.
the 2nd black and white one is perfect, straight out of the 1920's
ta for the feedback. I'm not sure about the first - may have over done it :D
the only other constructive comment I could make is to always straighten the photo first (perhaps by using Picasa), as most of them are leaning to the right a couple of degrees - I'm not preaching - I have a Nikon too and I do the same thing !
other than that - great
I'll have to have someone take a picture of me and check my stance.
what camera have you got? if you say d300 I'm sobbing. Get a blog and post 'em very rewarding getting feedback.
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