Personally I'm more concerned about the thinning hair!!
It was chucking down with rain this morning!! After dinner it cleared up but the light was very dull.
I went to Amwell for a stroll. Hobbies displaying were rather nice.
Male Chaffinch

Blue Tit
Female Chaffinch
Great Spotted Woodpecker
The pics are a bit noisey (higher ISO due to dull light) I'm now getting tempted back to the d300. However need to save up after buying a car. Then again by that time I'll have changed my mind no doubt ha ha.
Ah, you did get pictures today. They're wonderful.
Love the woodie :)
Talk about a scruffy blue tit! We just missed getting photos of a woodpecker last night. It flew off just as I focused on it.
Some good pics but alas it is raining again...well it is a bank holiday!!
Yes, that explains it... LOL!
nah no new camera.
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