I started off at Amwell. Some nice birds about I finally got a glimpse of the noisey Cetti's Warbler, also a Grey Wagtail (gorgeous), a treecreeper and the ususal suspects.
I wandered down to Rye Meads the highlights being a Green Sandpiper, Great Crested Grebe (not that common at Rye Meads) and two singing Cetti's (first for me there).

Grey Wagtail


Reed Bunting - male.


Reed Bunting - female

Great Tit


Mallard (female) = happy looking face that !

Male and female Tufty.

Blue tit propsecting for a nest.

Male Gadwall

I am officially green with envy, at your 'usual suspects.' The only two I can check off, are the crows and mallards. We have some very nice, and increasingly diverse species, but somehow, they fall a bit short.
I'm heading out, with woolly-sweatered "squirrel hound" in tow, to see if I can find my towhees, warblers or kinglet... in the snow, that's whitening our gardens, once again... Deb
Some lovely birds and pics as well. Particularly like the Treecreeper and Grey Wagtail.. and the Great Tit and...
Beautiful pictures. Can't believe the pussy willows are out there. Lovely!
Good shot of the Treecreeper. They don't normally pose for too long.
Lovely pictures, Pete, thank you. Who was the dull person who named the wagtail as grey? In France it is called Citrine, far more apt I feel!
TF - Citrine is a different species of wagtail
I was about to comment on the Treecreeper and fond I am one among many admirers! One seeing a Treecreeper is tricky being able to photograph it an art as they always are in a hurry.
How do you get the birds to perch so nicely and still? Last week I tried to take pics on the feeders at our Hotel.A beak here and a non focused pic there all i managed were the Red Squirrels!
C - I ought to say the creeper wasnt posing. I had heard about a spot one was seen. Caught him going up the tree and fired a few shots off that was by far the best.
i am rather chuffed with it. I do like this photography lark!
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