Birds, books, churches and anything else I want to waffle about
Sunday, March 09, 2008
An early morning trip to Amwell
I managed to drag myself out of bed this morning and headed for Amwell. Lots of singing birds, highlights being 2 Redshank, Water Rail and a pair of Grey Wagtail.
Black-Headed Gull
Reed Bunting
Male Chaffinch
Female Chaffinch
Canada Goose
How early did you get up? You must have woken me when you went. ;-)
got a problem with two male chaffinches, they both keep flying into my windows scared they will hurt themselves. Any ideas how to stop them, Penny the cat is being driven crazy "so near but so far away" she said. Jan cornwall
How early did you get up? You must have woken me when you went. ;-)
From all the way up here in Scotland.
Great pictures once again Pete.
Great photographs there well done. I love the pictures of the Dunnock. Great!
diddums - not that early left the house at 7:30 was awake much earlier.
Oc - ta
Islands - thought I ought to! male chaffy is a gorgeous little chap
Lovely pics as usual Pete; like the detail. The Dunnock is particularly colourful and the Chaffinch very handsome :)
Great photos - really appreciated learning the names!... Deb
got a problem with two male chaffinches, they both keep flying into my windows scared they will hurt themselves. Any ideas how to stop them, Penny the cat is being driven crazy "so near but so far away" she said. Jan cornwall
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