I took Trish to the forest first thing. When you get there early there is loads of birdsong!!
There was still just one Tern on the lake when we got there. We thought it had flown off but later it was back (or another had flown in!! unlikely). I'll be over early next weekend to see if it has a partner!!
There were 6 grebes!! One was back on a nest the other has three chicks!! This one was fishing!
And the Greylags have bred!!
There were LOADS of warblers!! Whitethroats are back in force. The small reedbed had Reed Buntings, Reed Warbler and Sedge Warbler - not sure I've seen them there before!!
So Trish headed home and I headed to Rye Meads.
some new life there as well!
There is now a pair of Kingfisher's at the Sand Martin bank. One was sitting beside it!
Loads of warblers here as well. Amazing how quickly the hedgerows and reedbeds fill up.
The Kingfishers were showing at the Kingfisher hide as well.
I finally got to see a Garden Warbler. One of the young coots I saw a few weeks ago seems to be an adolescent and there were LOADS of Butterflies - none wanted to pose.
Been a great long weekend, roll on next weekend!!