I moaned yesterday about the lack of blue sky, well as this picture from Rye Meads shows today was different!

I soon heard and saw a Great Woodpecker but other than the expected ducks it was quiet. I almost thought the camera was a waste when these floated by.

At Tern hide there were lots of birds including Common, black headed, lesser black backed and Greater Black Backed Gulls as well as Lapwings but all were too distant until the Rye Meads speciality showed up in camera range for a change!
A Green Sandpiper.

I got a brief of Muntjack hiding in the bushes.
I intend to go further a field next weekend - assuming it's not chucking down!
Yeah - great to see the funny colour sky and that orange ball lighting everything up :D
Nice Sandpiper..... (not that I'm jealous at all.....)
Waiting in hopes of a blue sky here soon. Love the swan pictures. Beautiful creatures.
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