The sun has shone again today. I've ticked another two churches (Lullington and Witham Friary), seen my first House Martin and Grey Wagtail of the year and watched a Buzzard get chased off my corvids!
I went to the Courts today its a delightful small National Trust garden near Bradford Upon Avon (the tea room is not national trust and is recommended). I sat in the sun listening to a Blackcap sing and read my book lovely. I also went to the Peto Garden at Iford Manor which was also excellent.
I think tomorrow will have a bit of birdwatching in it.
I'm not loading every photo I've taken (not at these speeds) but...
any ideas? yes I know they are newts!!
first of the year! Not sure what it is, all my guides are in my car (and I've borrowed dads to put mileage on it!).
and for OC
Sounds like someone is having an enjoyable time. Beautiful pictures too. I hope the sun keeps shining for you.
Can't help with the Newts Pete but some nice pics there. The bees have definitely get the "aw" factor.
The damsels not bad either :D but it's really early for them I would have thought.
I pretty certain these are Smooth Newts - the female being the less colourful of the two.
I've really enjoyed this lot of pictures. The newt is wonderful and that bee....WOW! It sounds like you're having a wonderful holiday. Looking forward to more.
Awesome newt shots. Can't help with the id tho :(
Great photos, I'm not good on Newt ID I'm afraid, but I'm sure someone will be.
Hope you enjoy the break.
No more newts Pete.
Bring on the birds.
You might want to have a look at this blog with some interesting birds quite near to where you are:
I am reliably informed by our newt expert that, although she really needs to see the throat to make a definite ID, she thinks the top one is a female palmate or smooth (and a pregnant one at that), the middle one is a male palmate, and the third one is also a female palmate or smooth. As the middle one is palmate, chances are at least one of the females is.
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