We headed off to Hatfield Forest, it was dull and grey but we soon espied swallows zipping over the lake and drumming woodies! It seems we have two pairs of Grebe on the lake and there were 6 birds today.
Great Crested Grebe

We then met someone who was kind enough to show us the Tawny Owl!!!!

We also heard a Cuckoo and a Willow Warbler. Hey this was good.
We wandered to the cafe for a well earned breakfast and a drink.
As it was raining lightly we headed to Rye Meads but it hadnt rained there and we were greeted by a singing Blackcap perched up.
Draper hide really delivered the goods with 6 species of wader, Little Ringed Plover, Oystercatcher (a first for me at RM), Redshank, Snipe, Lapwing and 2 Green Sandpiper. Also lots of ducks and Little Grebes....

There was also a buzzard over.
We heard Cetti's Warbler and then I went hang on that's a Sedge Warbler!! And has we wandered along the trail they were calling continually and then this chap emerged!

Mallard ;)

As we walked back to the visitors centre I heard a call and YES the Terns are back! I think they had just arrived!
I asked Trish if she wanted to go to Knebworth or to Amwell. As we were on a roll birdwise...
we stopped at the Jolly Fisherman in Stansted Abbots for lunch and then went to Amwell.
The Terns were at Amwell as well as was Little Ringed Plover, and we had singing Willow Warlbers as well.
Reed Bunting

Female Chaffinch

Peekaboo Robin


Grey Heron

Mute Swan

One of the best local birding in ages!

What a wonderful day you've had. The pictures are beautiful.
It was a great day with some amazing birds - thanks Pete :D
Hi Pete. Just found your blog via Tricia's. What a great day you had, plenty of birds. Only visited Rye Meads once, but had a fantastic day there.
Think I need a return visit. :)
hi hm
its not always that good!!
I too was led here via Tricia's site and I've been having a bit of a delve around in you archives! and was instantly drawn to the word wine on your labels! I do love a glass of wine (or two), red or white, but have a preference for red, anyway I thoroughly enjoyed drinking yours with you!
Back to birds, you certainly had a good day out and your photos are beautiful. How lovely to see the Tawny Owl and I loved the Warbler pics, Reed Bunting, Chaffinch and cheeky Robin too.
hi ss,
I'm afraid I can't really drink red. I've suffered with gout since I was 19/20.
As to whites I do like South American wines and tesco now do some Argentinian which are worth a look.
I will check out your blog when I get five minutes
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