the pub had a lot of business trade so breakfast were early and I was home by 9:15 !!
However the afternoon has been gorgeous so I headed to Amwell....
Lots of Warblers (Blackcap, Sedge, Willow, chiffchaff). Also Little Ringed Plover and my first Common Terns of the year. Buzzards (saw lots on holiday) Sparrowhawks and Kestrels over.
Anyway some photos...
Blackbird having a bath
Wood Pigeon
Reed Bunting (Male)
Great Tit
And a plethora of Blue Tits
Great pictures Pete.
Good pics Pete - the Blue Tit is the star of the show as far as I'm concerned :D
Raining? What's that then? :p
i'll remember that when you are moaning about the rain
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