I promptly went to Hatfield Forest. Oh boy is everything saturated! Nothing unusual about. Green Woodies very showy. Some big finch flocks, nice to see so many Greenfinches. Lots of Singing, Blackbirds and Song Thrushes in particular fine voice. Nuthatch about but I've still to see a Treecreeper (!!) and a Marsh Tit
The Lake highlight was the pair of Great Crested Grebes. Perhaps my favourite sites of Summer for the past two years has been Mr & Mrs Grebe and young and the Common Terns with young over the forest.
I wandered on and stopped at the entrance to Audley End Manor. The river was VERY high, amongst the Mallards and Canada Geese were a lone Black Swan, 4 Barnacle Geese and 2 Little Grebe.
Light still dull and grey. Still here are a few images.
That black swan is impressive! Audley End has always sounded so romantic to me. A very watery vista, but no less beaurtiful for all that. We've had no rain at all today, I expect it will make up for it tomorrow.
Great pictures. The grass is so green...wonderful.
Tern young in the summer - nice! Some pretty nice pics too.
Unrelenting rain does beat one down but water over the banks that trails in its wake can be a pleasant change of scenery. I hope you found it so.
Alas I hear the wet stuff is coming back tomorrow!
Beautiful, green, lush images, Pete. I wish you sunshine.
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