I started the car ... RAIN!! ARGH I carried on and thankfully I stopped.
I appreciate my "adventures" are a little dull of late and I'm sorry I went to Amwell again.
Goldcrest and Longtailed Tits in the bushes. No Smew from the view point, but loads of ducks including Male and Female Goldeneye. Lots of common stuff about.
I wandered onto the feeder station.
OI who are you looking at!!!
If I just stretch..
ah got some
Well hello and a Great Spot for a change
I wandered on to the next lake. No Smew but two Great Crested Grebe in breeding plumage displaying to each other. Whilst scanning a Kingfisher flashed across.
I was only out for 2 hours but it helped charge the batteries.
I'm off next Friday and if the weather is good over the 3 days I hope you'll get some interesting stuff. Roll on spring when the insects are back!
Wonderful pictures Pete. I too can't wait til the insects are back.
Excellent as usual Mr. D :) Think you must have had better weather than down here!
Aahh - Spring - lovely thought!
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