Friday, February 28, 2025

Cambridge university Botanic Garden

I had a wander to the Cambridge University Botanic Garden. It is in that strange period, the Snowdrops are starting to go and the daffodils aren't fully out. I did the usual walk to the cafe to get a coffee before having a nice wander.

I sat by the lake to enjoy the sun.

There were a total of 10 ducks that I saw 6 male and 4 females. They seemed to have paired up and the 2 lone males were being chased off.

 it was a nice wander as always!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Chippenham Park Gardens

I met up with my friends Rebecca, Stuart and June at Chippenham Park Gardens. It was flipping cold! The sun kept threatening to come out but never managed it.

Chippenham is mainly a wedding venue but is open until April for Spring flowers and for a week in June and October. I'll have to visit in June to see it at a different season! 

There was a good showing of Snowdrops and Hellibores...

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